animalの新しいweb videoでましたね!
animal's new web video coming!
今回はMark GrallaとAbdul FofanahとColin Varanyakがソロパートありで他のアニマルライダーたちもMIX的に登場。
Mark Gralla, Abdul Fofanah and Colin Varanyak got full sections. the rest of the Animal squad held it down as well.
TyroneやTom white、WIZ、Jared Washington等々見所満載です。
Tyrone, Tom White, WIZ and Jared Washington etc. so many highlights packed!
Edwin DeLaRosa見たかったな~。
but I wanna watch DeLaRosa's riding.
12月28日(月) 7時に立川駅集合で!
By the way we'll hold INKYO JAM2015 final round in Tachikawa!
12/28 mon 7:00pm at Tachikawa Station
We'll notice again official announce on this blog.
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